Welcome! I’m the Rev. Liz Edman.

Here’s some recent work of mine:

Sounding Queer Holiness on the Eve of Disaster

I’m currently available for speaking and teaching engagements

Liz Edman (she/her) is an Episcopal priest and political strategist who ignites people's understanding of Christianity and queer life.  She has lived and worked on the front lines of some of the most salient contemporary issues where religion meets sexuality. Liz served as an inner city hospital chaplain to people with HIV/AIDS from 1989 to 1995, helped craft political and communications strategies for marriage equality efforts, and persevered for almost two decades to become an openly queer priest in the Episcopal Church.  

"I'm not saying that queer people are or must be Christian.

I'm saying that authentic Christianity is and must be queer."

from Queer Virtue

A Classic Book for a Complicated Time

Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity argues that queer people possess virtue, according to terms that Christianity itself sets out. Rather than asking what Christianity has to say about queerness, Edman turns the lens around and asks what queerness can tell us about Christianity.  

In the Pulpit

"It is our job as Christians to show the world that the power of God is a force to be reckoned with. We do this primarily by building communities of strength, and courage, and deep care."

—Liz Edman at St. Paul's Episcopal Church,

Fayetteville AR, Stewardship Sunday